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Community Art Projects


David has been heavily involved in a number of community art initiatives in south London. This included a short period as a Director and Chair of The Brixton Artists Collective (BAC) in the early 1990s. After three years involved in BAC he co-founded Artsway Ltd, a promotion company for visual and performance artists in the UK.

The company was behind several programmes combining art, poetry and music at London venues such as the Southwark Play house, The Oval Theatre and Questors Theatre Ealing. In recent years he has worked with a number of local charities on art-related projects. This includes conducting workshops for The Powerhouse, a charity in east London run by and for women with learning disabilities. 


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The  'Together For Our Planet' Initiative


David is the co-curator of this collaboration between Occhi Arts and Entertainment and Phoenix FTA Limited, a UK-based sustainability strategy consultancy. Inspired by the UK Creative Earth Competition, Occhi Arts and Entertainment and Phoenix FTA Limited invited young artists from around the world to creatively engage with key topics of concern at the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow. The initiative provided young artists with a renewed opportunity to visually express their views to world leaders and community stakeholders by producing 2D artwork 


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